Once you have added your website and entered all the information, it will be approved for our marketplace. Read this article to learn how to fill out your media kit step by step.
To be approved for the marketplace, we apply the following conditions:
At least 1,000 unique visitors per month
At least 40 (blog) articles online
Recent and frequent posting of your own content
Relevant for commercial collaborations
Does not contain sensitive, 18+, illegal or copied content
The website must be user-friendly
The website should load in 10 seconds
The website may not be a webshop (provided there is blog content) and may not contain discount codes/coupons
The majority of the target group must be Dutch and/or Belgian
Verified statistics through the link with LinkPizza or Google Analytics
Media kit has been completed in full according to the step-by-step plan
Do you meet all the conditions? Then add your website in LinkPizza!