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terminology, what is, explain, meaning, definition

Mandy Schaaf avatar
Written by Mandy Schaaf
Updated over a week ago


A shop or service provider with an affiliate program.


Content written by advertisers and published without alterations on the publisher’s website.


A form of internet marketing where advertisers reward their partners (affiliates ) for sales generated or leads.

Affiliate links

A specific URL that contains the advertiser‐s ID or username. The affiliate link can be added to content that covers products or services and directs to a page on the advertiser’s website that promotes this product or service. Affiliate links are used to record the traffic that is sent to the advertiser’s website.

Blacklisted Click

A blacklisted click is a click where the advertiser hasn’t accepted the publisher to the program.


A general description of a native or branded article, specifically written by bloggers.

Branded Content

Writing or placing an article or link that showcases the brand’s identity and where you can tell the content was written commissioned by the advertiser.


The % of sale an advertiser gives as a reward, or a fixed compensation, for a sale.


Having someone write an article or blogpost designed to be published on the advertiser’s website and which showcased the writer’s vision on a subject.


Conversion Rate; percentage of clicks that resulted in a lead.

Domain Authority

Domain authority is a number from 1 to 100 which indicates the value of a website. The hight of the number indicates the website's position in search engines.


Effective Cost Per Click; effective income per click.


Effective Cost Per Monetized Click; effective income per monetized click.

Favorite Brands

Blogs and websites have a list of favorite shops or brands listed on their sidebar. In this section, advertisers and brands get the opportunity to be promoted by influencers.


Publishing an article aiming to promote a product or service by handing something out to its readers. The advertisers provides the prices.


A link is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking, tapping, or hovering. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document.

Link Building

Adding links to a website aiming to increase SEO by obtaining backlinks and/or gaining traffic from relevant subjects with a high search score.

Links Adding to Existing Content

Adding content and links to high quality and relevant existing articles. This may also be references to an existing article.

Monetized Conversion Rate (MCR)

Leads per monetized click.


When an advertiser is connected with LinkPizza with an affiliate program. An affiliate link to this advertiser can give you commission.

Monetized Click

A monetized click is a click in which an affiliate link is found, this click can make commission.

Monetization Rate (MR)

Monetization rate is the rate or percentage of clicks that can be monetized.

Native Content

Linking and directing to an advertiser’s website without showing or mentioning the advertiser’s name.


Affiliate network, a platform connecting advertisers with publishers.


Sending branded or native articles to a blog or website’s readers.

Press Release

Publishing an article about an advertiser directly on a publisher’s website.

Product Review

A written article that emphasized on the user benefits of a product or service, sometimes comparing them to competing products or services.


Social media channel, website or app that has links to advertisers.


Visitor views a webpage for more than 15 seconds.

Social Media Mention

Publishing, or posting, a message with an image and with or without mentioning a link to the advertiser. This could be published on social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google+ or LinkedIn.

Source Website

The website where the visitor comes from.

Source URL

The webpage where the visitor came from.

Sponsored Articles / Editorial

A uniquely written article commissioned by an advertiser for which an advertiser paid, with references to the advertiser.


A written story that embodies the human character of a brand without directly referring to the brand in a sales manner or mentioning a link. The story is placed on the advertiser’s website.

Target URL

The webpage where the visitor was sent to.

Target Website

The website where the visitor was sent to.


Creating a video about an advertiser’s product or service. These videos can be placed on YouTube and may be combined with a social media mention.

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